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Yesterday, I got back home from Barcelona where I have attended EU MozCamp 2008 conference. I spent very nice and inspirational weekend with smart people, talking about Mozilla, Firefox and of course, Firebug. All perfectly organized, no rock slides this time 😉

I had also an opportunity to lead a session about Firebug and Chromebug on Sunday. See my slides if you are interested, however I don't know how much useful they are without me talking 😉

I was having nice time, discussing a lot of things and talking to many people. Here is a short list with some areas I have been mainly interested in...

  • I was talking with Robert Kaiser and several other people about Thunderbird/Sunbird and Firebug/Chromebug integration. This could be quite easy to do and useful to have.
  • After discussion with Brian King, I believe that adapting the existing Firefox Addon Manager in order to manage installed Firebug's extensions is the right approach.
  • I also had another chat with Christian Biesinger about Necko & Events. He gave me a lot of info about how Necko & Events work internally. Thanks Christian for all the help!
  • I had a chance to meet Goofy (the BabelZilla guru) and talk about Firebug localization.
  • And yea, I have also met Tony Farndon who is the creator of Mini Map Sidebar. One of the winners of Extend Firefox Award competition.

I wrote a post about my FBTrace Console extension a few months ago and as it turned out that the console is actually quite useful for exploring how Firebug works internally, it's part of the Firebug's code base now.

This new feature is integrated in Firebug 1.3X (still in alpha phase), where X means: the version with tracing enabled.

The primary purpose of the console is to display a list of tracing messages coming from Firebug as it runs. It's often tough to debug a debugger by another debugger and so, having the possibility to inspect logs is often really invaluable.

Notice that tracing-console is *not* the same as Firebug's Console panel. Console panel is intended to be used by web applications developers, while tracing console is for Firebug (or Firebug extension) developers.

So, move on if you want to see how it works...


There is bunch of various possibilities how to generate UI using Domplate (remember entire Firebug UI is generated using Domplate - i.e. content of all panels) and so here is another set of how to examples that is trying to reveal some other useful aspect and patterns. Of course, all examples can be explored using Domplate Runner again.

See all posts about Domplate here.

Enjoy! 😉