Firecookie 0.5 beta
by Honza- Published:April 26th, 2008
- Comments:18 Comments
- Category:Firecookie
New version of Firecookie is now available. It includes a few bug fixes and bunch of new features. Thanks for all the ideas and comments you have posted!
This version is intended as beta and I would like to keep it here for some time. Even if it's quite stable, I would appreciate some testing and make sure everything works fine. As soon as I get positive feedback, I'll move it to Mozilla add on site. The review process will be easy then 🙂
Download Firecookie 0.5beta5 (Latest Beta Version, compatible with Firefox 3 RC1)
Firecookie home page
Firecookie on (Latest Version: 0.6 - Pending Review)
New features in v0.5 since v0.0.5 - big step ahead 😉 :
- List of cookies can be sorted by clicking on a column header (0.0.6).
- Click on a cookie event (cookie name) in the Console tab navigates the user to Cookie tab. (0.0.6)
- Cookies from all sub-domains of the current domain are displayed. (0.0.6)
- There is a new column with cookie size.
- The list can be filtered by cookie path (a filter option). So, only cookies matching the current path are displayed.
- Rejected cookies are displayed too (a filter option).
- Cookies from redirected domains are displayed too. This is useful e.g. in login systems, which can redirect the user over different domains while setting cookies.
- Cookies set from embedded iframes are displayed too.
- Columns in the cookie list are resizable. It's persistent and can be reset from context menu of the header.
And of course, if you would have any further ideas or comments please let me know! Especially the UI design is always tough (and your observation could have impact even on other features in Firebug). For instance, I am not sure about the way how the filtering is done...
It's excellent stuff, love how the sorting and the headers look like!
Some things I've noticed:
* could you align the Size column to the right, makes it easier to compare the numbers
* when I drag-resize the headers, something funny happens sometimes. if I size the Value column as much as I can and then drag the Size column to the right, it expands but from the left hand side. So the the right handle I'm dragging stays at the same position, but the left part moves to the left
* sometimes when the column is too narrow, the arrow overlaps the heading title
*) FIXED - numbers in the size column aligned to the right
*) The problem is that if size of one column is changed (through the "width" css style) the others are automatically adjusted (they don't have "width" css style by default defined). Agree the behavior is nasty sometimes. This must be improved yet...
*) FIXED - The arrow in column header should *not* overlap the title.
Thanks for the feedback!
Question: seems like the extension lists only cookies on the current TLD. What if the page has some ads hosted on doubleclick or some other domain and the ads are writing cookies too? Will these show up in the list?
Yes. The list should display even all cookies, which are set by domains from embedded iframes. If not, it's a bug then.
If I go to e.g. I see a lot of cookies from different domains. There is even one from
Right, works beautifully. I was browsing with Adblock ON so I wasn't seeing any ads coookies 😉
What is the default sort order(s)?
The list not sorted by default. It's displayed in the same order as it comes from Firefox's Cookie Manager. If a new cookie is created while the list is already visible, it's appended at the end.
Hey, does this work with the new beta version of firebug? Cause I can't seem to see the addon. 🙁
I'm using the firebug beta cause firefox won't let me install the older versions, saying: This is for an outdated version of firefox.
I have updated maxVersion. Try 0.5beta4 it should work with Firefox 3 RC1.
Not really a bug, but the + icon dosn't change into a - when you expand, for me.
[...] export, and manage cookies, log cookie events (creation, deletion, etc.), and much more. The latest version of Firecookie adds several improvements such as the ability to list only cookies sourcing from a [...]
[...] export, and manage cookies, log cookie events (creation, deletion, etc.), and much more. The latest version of Firecookie adds several improvements such as the ability to list only cookies sourcing from a [...]
[...] 利用cookies开发网络应用可能花费大量的时间, Firecookie,一款Firebug扩展,能为你提供完全与cookies一体化工作的许多自有选择和功能。扩展可以进行查看,检查,输出,和管理cookies.cookie日志(创建,删除,等等),以及更多。Firecookie最新版本增加了几个改进,例如只罗列出来自一个域名的cookies资料。 [...]
[...] export, and manage cookies, log cookie events (creation, deletion, etc.), and much more. The latest version of Firecookie adds several improvements such as the ability to list only cookies sourcing from a [...]
[...] FireCookie est un petit outil vous permettant de visualiser les cookies édités par le site en question, voire même de créer vos propres cookies. [...]
[...] FireCookie est un petit outil vous permettant de visualiser les cookies édités par le site en question, voire même de créer vos propres cookies. [...]
[...] (создание, удаление и прочее), и много всего другого. В последней версии Firecookie, добавлены некоторые улучшения, такие как [...]
[...] 利用cookies开发网络应用可能花费大量的时间, Firecookie是一款Firebug扩展,能为你提供完全与cookies一体化工作的许多自有选择和功能。扩展可以进行查看,检查,输出,和管理 cookies.cookie日志(创建,删除,等等),以及更多。Firecookie最新版本增加了几个改进,例如只罗列出来自一个域名的cookies资料。 [...]