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This powerful Firebug's feature, which you can download from the internet, could be also called Edit value and continue (to use similar terminology from Visual Studio). Even if Firefox (and so Firebug) doesn't allow to edit the code itself at run-time, being able to change value of a variable while sitting at a breakpoint in the debugger is often very useful way how to check proper behavior of your code.

Let's see a simple example:

The debugger is halted at a debugger keyword (see another related tip) and the Watch panel shows that value of the message variable is Hello.

Double click on the variable in the Watch panel opens an inline editor, which allows to change its value (double-clicking on a boolean value would automatically toggle the value).

Change the value, press enter key and consequently F5 to resume the debugger. You'll see that the new value has been dynamically applied.

Note that you can edit only primitive values, but not matter where they are actually stored. They might live within global or local variables, objects or within arrays.

Check summary of all Firebug tips.

I have recently spent some time hunting down memory leaks in Firebug and the most successful way I have found so far has been analyzing CC (Cycle Collector) object graph - graph of objects that are cycle collected.

The particular memory leak I have been looking for is called a zombie compartment. In my case, there is a document living in the memory even if the parent tab has been closed long time ago. Something is still referencing that document object so, it can't be released. The goal here is usually to find that referent. And this is when the CC heap debugging comes to rescue.

The rest of this post describes my extension CCDump that allows to dynamically analyze CC object graph.

The Persist feature has been available in Firebug for some time already, but I recently got several questions indicating that it doesn't have the visibility it deserves. So, let's introduce it quickly.

Firebug UI resets every time the current browser tab is refreshed or navigated to another page - to show the new state. The consequence is that all Firebug panels trash the content (i.e. the Net or Console panel entries are lost).

This is fine since usually the user doesn't want to keep the entire history. But what in the case when you want to debug the transition process between page loads or redirects?

And this is exactly when the Persist button becomes practical...

The Persist button


Firebug 1.8b3 introduces a new API that can be used to create time-stamps during Javascript execution and compare them together with HTTP traffic timing on the timeline in the Net panel: console.timeStamp();

This feature is useful in cases where the developer needs to know when particular piece of Javascript code is executed relatively to the HTTP request made by web page. Especially in cases when Javascript is loaded through dynamically appended <script> tags or through XHR and evaluated using eval().

See the following screenshot that shows a time-stamp generated during a page load.

Time-stamp generated using console.timeStamp() method.

The time stamp is also displayed in the Console panel so, you can compare with other logs.

The rest of this post demonstrates this feature on couple of live examples in detail. So, if you are interested what you can do with Firebug 1.8, read further!


Another Firebug feature that would deserve more attention is re-run (introduced here). This neat feature represented by a simple button on Script panel toolbar allows re-execution of the current call-stack you are halted on in the debugger. This helps especially in cases where it's hard to reproduce an action in the UI in order to execute specific Javascript function implemented on a page.

Of course, this button is only available when you are stopped at a breakpoint.

Lets go through real example step by step.


A lot is happening these days and I bet you already know about Firefox 4 + Firebug 1.7 releases. You might also seen some of the new features introduced in Firebug 1.7 and so, I won't repeat that.

I'd like to focus on changes related to page load process and script execution in Firefox 4. Apart from many performance improvements script execution changed to be more HTML5 compliant and Firebug is an excellent tool that can be used to analyze & understand what is going on under the hood.

Thanks to Henri Sivonen for his excellent post about Script Execution Changes in Firefox 4 that served as the main source of information for me!


Firebug 1.7 (currently beta 1 available) improves API related to Infotips. These Infotips are used in Firebug UI for displaying additional information.

They are similar to tooltips but can provide a richer content (comparing to those in HTML). The content doesn't have to be only a text but any HTML. In fact, the content is usually generated using Domplate.

Let's see how to utilize these Infotips in Firebug extensions.

Infotip in Firebug UI

First, see how infotips actually look like. Since they are implemented in HTML and Firebug uses HTML only for panel content (so far) they appear in panels.

The first image comes from the Script panel. The mouse is hovering over a variable and the infotip shows its value.

The next infotip is displayed within the Net panel. It shows detailed timing info for selected (note the gray background) HTTP request entry.

And the last example shows preview of an image when the user hovers mouse over a CSS property with background URL.


Debugging a debugger is a tricky business. You often need another debugger, but it can also be broken and so, that's why Firebug team has invented a set of helper tools that are essential for Firebug development.

In this post I am providing a brief summary of tools that we use when working on Firebug.

Take a sneak peek into the world of Firebug development and see what is it composed from!

Click to enlarge the image.

  • Browser + Firebug Of course, this is the essential window. The browser window with Firebug opened at the bottom (there is usually not enough space on the screen to have Firebug detached in a new window).
  • Firebug Tracing Console If something goes wrong in Firebug there is a Firebug Tracing Console. This console displays various logs recorded as Firebug is running. This is often the window where we can sight an error and using associated stack trace discover the right place withing the Firebug source and start debugging.
  • Chromebug This is the Firebug debugger. Chromebug is based on Firebug source base (the UI is the same). It allows debugging any Firefox extension (aka Firebug for Firefox extensions), well except of Chromebug itself. Invented by awesome John J. Barton and indispensable for Firebug development.
  • Chromebug Tracing Console Even Chromebug can be attacked by bugs and so, this tracing console displays logs coming from Chromebug source. There is no other debugger for Chromebug so, it's often the only way how to fix a bug in Chromebug.
  • Firefox Error Console If everything else is broken we also use Firefox Error Console. It's pretty old, no stack trace, often useless.
  • System Console At some point good old dump() into the system console can be also an effective strategy how to hunt a bug. Slow, sometimes frustrating, but hey, software isn't always easy!
  • Firebug Test Console Finally, in order to verify that Firebug is still working, after a bug dies, we have a set of tests. This console represents the test harness that run our automated tests and displays results.

Some of these tools are integrated and so, for example, Test Console also uses FB Tracing Console, Chromebug can be opened by clicking on a stack trace in the FB Tracing console, bug in the Test Console can be hunted using Chromebug, etc.

Frankly, isn't that all exciting?! 🙂

Firebug command line allows executing JavaScript expressions within context of the current page. Firebug also provides a set of built in APIs and one of them is cd().

cd(window) By default, command line expressions are relative to the top-level window of the page, cd() allows you to use the window of a frame in the page instead.

There is several ways how to use this method. First, let's imagine following page:

<html xmlns="">
    <title>Console Test Page</title>
    <iframe id="frameID" name="frameName" src="iframe.html" />
  • cd(document.getElementById("frameID").contentWindow); switch to a frame by ID
  • cd(window.frames[0]); switch to the first frame in the list of frames
  • cd(window.frames["frameName"]); switch to a frame using by name
  • cd(; switching back to the top level window

Check the example page online.

Firebug inspector is certainly one of the most valuable Firebug features and it also deserves more attention from extension developers. From this reason Firebug 1.7a10 introduces a new API that allows reusing this feature in Firebug extensions and customize its behavior.

This part of Firebug extension tutorial explains how to use this API in Firebug extensions.

Firebug Inspector

Let's see a quick overview of what is actually the Firebug inspector and how it works from the user perspective.

  • Clicking on the inspector button starts an inspecting mode.
  • As the user moves the mouse cursor over page elements, they are automatically highlighted.
  • The HTML panel (selected by default) shows detailed information about the currently highlighted element.
  • The inspecting mode can finished by clicking on the inspecting page element or canceled by pressing ESC key.


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